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Where do we start with this one? So much of our normal activity has been stripped away in lockdown; that business and noise which downs out some of the more tricky subjects, has gone. During the last three months, it has been much harder to ignore these more difficult and perhaps, uncomfortable topics. Talking about them now seems unavoidable.

How do you start discussing BLM with your children? Does it really matter to them? Do they actually notice? Or, is it just something that us adults have to deal with. Furthermore, where on earth does faith come into the equation?

At FTUK this week, we wanted to discuss inclusion, which includes racism, sexual discrimination, difference in all sorts of ways. Because, even our children, while race or gender may not be a problem for them, the fact that someone might be different, in some way, may be a cause for their concern. Isn't that where bullying starts? So we do have a responsibilty to try and talk about difference, and acceptance, and the right response, even when we're trying to work through it ourselves.

This week, we're going to (I hope) have an interview from a friend of ours whose story is of being part of a trans relationship, and how they see their faith making a difference. We've got a cracking story from Acts 8 where an eunuch finds faith, because someone bothered to tell him that Jesus loves him, plus space to discuss some of those more difficult questions using the breakout rooms.

And just before you think it's all getting a bit heavy - we wanted to celebrate that live football is back! So brush up on your football trivia and perhaps wear your favourite football shirt. (I will have to fake that one...) Of course there will be the DAYLY news, a song or two and the chance to chat along the way.

And our challenge comes in the form of this little beauty: The Chinese tangram. Parents and carers, you'll need to print this onto CARD and cut it up ready for Sunday. Please keep it hidden though from everyone, as they will be trying to put it together.

We're also going to see how Forky from Toy Story 4 might help us respond in a better way to difference.

Finally, we'd love to hear about your stories of the faith at home challenge - who did you pray for? Were there any healing stories you want to share? See you Sunday!

If you've been affected by the protests, or have an opinion to share, or a resource which may help families, why not register and post it on the blog here?



We're conscious that for some of our very little ones, or those who like to do something while we're running the session, that they would prefer to have something to do while it's going on. From this week, we're adding a little extra section with some tasty downloads which might keep them busy. This week's bits come from Jesus Without Language (a favourite of mine) and a couple of other websites. Download, print out and enjoy! They are all about the Bible story from Acts 8.

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