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FTUK Sunday 25th July: Living through difficulty

We do lots of fun stuff on FTUK, which is great. We try to link it to something that we're doing for that session - sometimes, though it is just for fun. This week, we have picked a topic, which might seem quite sad and depressing, but we've managed to put some interesting and light hearted bits in, alongside the more serious question of "What do you do when life changes, not for the better?"

The question around human suffering is a huge one, I doubt that we'll be able to come up with any satisfactory answers, however, we're going to look at two aspects. Firstly, how we react and feel when things go wrong. Covid19 has done quite a lot to make us feel that many of our usual activities and hopes have been taken away. How do we deal with this? Do we deal with it well? Secondly, how do you build in resilience when we have to walk through places we'd rather not go. Do we give up? Can we ask for help? Will God support us or let us down?

So to balance up all that serious questioning - and as families we can discuss these things - we're going to have a look at the highs and lows of the football season and we've got a few challenges for you to try. One might be familiar to you!

  • We're going to see if you can complete this word search in the session. Easy you may say! But there's a twist. Download and print out a copy - but don't cheat! Parents, perhaps keep it in a sealed envelope until Sunday morning!

  • Quick challenges - build a tower, flip a coin and yes, it's back - flip that tea bag into a cup - this time let's see how many can do it!

  • Then, find a rubix cube and try and solve it. Tricky, but we're hoping by next week, you'll have it sorted. Then we'll be going head to head against our resident cuber - Master Mark Day... Here's what he can do:

This video will help:

So, where does God fit in this? Where does he? Does he? Psalm 139 reminds us that there is no where he is not, no where he can't be and won't go. I'm hoping we'll be able to listen to a powerful story of pain and hope because even in the darkness God says he is there.

Where can I go to get away from your Spirit? Where can I run from you? If I go up to the heavens, you are there. If I lie down in the grave, you are there. If I rise with the sun in the east and settle in the west beyond the sea, even there you would guide me.

With your right hand you would hold me.

I could say, “The darkness will hide me. Let the light around me turn into night.” But even the darkness is not dark to you. The night is as light as the day; darkness and light are the same to you.

Finally, grab your smart phone to use PollEverywhere (our favourite new bit of tech) as we turn some of our thoughts and wonderings in to prayers, the place where our circumstances can touch heaven. Stay safe, and we'll see you soon xx

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