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FTUK 5th July - Prayer

What's with the whole prayer thing? Why bother? How does it work? These are some of the questions we'll try to get to grips with this week on Sunday. Prayer is a mystery, you're never quite sure what 's going on. Sometimes I think it's such a fragile thing, really easy to forget and difficult to handle. However, God invites us to know him, to talk to him and to listen. It's a two way conversation. (We hope).

This week, we'll be making telephones, rewriting the Lord's Prayer - not that it needs it, but you never know. We're curious to see what you'll come up with! A few years ago, before smart phones were the norm, the Ship of Fools website invited people to come up with a txt vrsn (version) of the prayer, back when text space was at a premium. If you want to check out what they came up with it's here:

It's quite tricky to read, since text speak has all but disappeared from our culture, but it shows actually how much the prayer can cover in such a short number of words. What will you come up with?

We thought that the break out rooms were a triumph, so we're going to go and have another go. So get ready to express your opinions, we know you will!

Our story is taken from Matthew this week, the bit about askin', knockin' and seekin'. (Matthew 7) We are going to be exploring what that actually means for us and our children. You'll need a smart phone to take part with our new bit of tech, PollEv - where we're going to create our own wordle about prayer.

The craft this week is a classic science experiment: Making a cup telephone.

You will need:

  • Two paper/ polystyrene cups

  • Long piece of string (2-3m)

  • Pair of scissors or pencil

  • Crayons/ pens to decorate

We'll explain everything on Sunday, but if you want to get ahead, here's a printable worksheet to help:

And we hope that we can help you to pray at home by showing you how to use this paper labyrinth. Please print a copy (or draw something like it) for each member of your family. If you have time, print it out before hand and colour it in.

And finally, don't forget a loo roll. We'll be using toilet paper to introduce ourselves, so remember to have some handy! See you on Sunday.

Any questions, please get in touch. Please feel free to comment on , share and invite others to come along.


For our younger ones this week, we thought you would enjoy making the telephone and joining in with the prayer labyrinth. But just in case you would like to do more, here's a colouring sheet to have a go at. Why not post your efforts on our FB page or on the blog here!

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