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Famiy Time worship - Red

As we come into this time let us recognise the presence of God, who is always with us

Let us pray

O God your light shines!

Let your hearts be glad!

O God your love warms the world into life

Then let us worship God. AMEN

Let us continue to praise God

We praise God with all our living so now know song lets move to the song

How has your week been?

How has the routine settled down?

What have the highlights been?

What has been a struggled?

We have had the chance to reflect on the colour red in the rainbow

Did anyone do mediation? – How was it ? What did it make you think?

A challenge we offered was to see if you could spot Mars as it rises in the night sky. Did you do it?

Let us pray

God of all life

We praise your Holy Name

We thank you for being part of a world that is related and how it makes us wonder

We praise you creator of all

We thank you for the gift of this week, people we met, places we have been

We thank you for the moments that have made us think

We praise you for Jesus who walks with us everyday

We thank you for the emotions we feel and what you show us through them

the way they flow through our lives

We praise you for your Holy Spirit who enlivens us


It seems a good time for a song so if you would like to sing try this

Red is the colour linked to anger and love and these feeling are very real to us all.

How do we deal with them. The world is full of stories that look at this here one called Horrible Bear and then a story Jesus told us

I wonder what these storied made you think about?

What did you like?

What did you not understand?

What made you uncomfortable?

Talk together as you think about these questions.

I wonder what other stories there are that you think look at these things?

While I have been thinking this week the image of the red bow of the rainbow has been helpful. I like the way it shows how anger and love can be connected

Jesus show us that anger is not a bad thing it tells us something is wrong.

It is what we do with the anger that is important.

The bow and the stories invite us to think how we can take time to allow our anger not to lead us to things that hurt others but show love.

Prayer About Being Forgiven and Forgiving

O God, you show us how to love and forgive and be forgiven

God in Jesus you taught us to pray in words and actions.

You showed us what love is like.

Teach us to be like you. 

We admit that we are not always loving and kind. 

We know that we can be selfish and mean to other people,

Forgive us for the words we say and the things we do that hurt other people. for our hard hearts

for not forgiving ourselves

This is the good news of God's love

The Lord is merciful and loving,  slow to become angry and full of constant love.


God does not punish us as we would expect or want us to make up what we owe


As high as the sky is above the earth, so great is God's love.      


As far as the east is from the west,                         


So far does God remove our sins from us.                   




Pray together the Lord's prayer

Here's a song by TobyMac that encourage us to think a bit more

For our prayer let us use the rainbow prayers from last week

Pray you have a blessed week

Continue on your journey as a family

In the name of

God, whose colours infuse our living

Jesus, the one who understands, helps and hold us

as we balance on the red bow of the rainbow

The Holy Spirit whose energy continues to move us on


Have a good week

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