For those who could not join us to share together
here is a taste of what we were doing
Welcome to Family Time as we bring together our Rainbow Reflection
To begin I invite you to listen to a song by Christopher Grundy entitled "Here in this place"
Our reading comes from Gensis 9 v 12 - 16 from the Common English Bible
This week we have been thinking about rainbows
I wonder
How many did you spotted this week?
Why do you think they were made?
What did they make you think about?
On my walk everyday I see 4 rainbows all house windows. They have been in the windows since the lockdown and used to have signs that said
"Thank you - NHS and Key Workers"
The signs have gone yet the rainbows still are int he windows.
As I thought about these rainbows,
I thought how the different homes were joined in together as a community saying thank you to people perhaps they would never meet. It is important to have reminders like rainbows to help us slow down and get a bigger picture of our community and ourselves
God invites us to pause often in our lives and get a bigger picture. We often call it prayer and in it we can pause look around and then respond by talking to God as a group or on our own.
So let us to this moment to stop having looked around during this week and say "Thank you" as a group that is part of God's loved creation.
We carry on thinking about God's creation with the song " Who put the colours in the rainbow"
I invited you to name the colours of the rainbow and asked how what helped you remember them.
Each day we looked out for some of the colours from the rainbow and then chose one to make a rainbow for today and say why you chose them.
When I looked at my seven things to make up my rainbow
I noticed how the colours run through my life and that has helped me think about how I can become aware of God’s presence in every part of my day.
Have a look at your rainbow
What would you say about your rainbow?
Sit for a moment and think about what together they might be telling you
Now, if you are, able tell someone what you notice and then ask them to do the same.
What do you notice?
To finish this part of our time together I'd like us to hear one of my favourite rainbow songs. I first heard when I watched the Muppet Movie
It is sung by Kermit the frog. The song "Rainbow Connection
with music and lyrics written by Paul Williams and Kenneth Ascher. Here is a recent version sung by the frog during lockdown
Rainbows are mentioned in the bible 3 times.
The one I know best is at the end of the story of the flood and the rainbow is put in the sky. I wonder why?
Read the story again or listen here Genesis 9 verses 16 - 21
Take a moment to think what you noticed
Then talk and listen to what each other heard and thought
For me
The story tells us the rainbow to be a sign that
God will not destroy life again.
The sign is not for the creation
it reminds God of the hurt and pain that was caused.
There is a change.
God puts a bow, a sign of hurt and violence in the sky,
and says this is not how to be
this does not bring life.
What would you say?
As you think some more listen to a song by Brian Sirchio from his album Worms in the Bread
Have you noticed when you blow bubbles you can often see the rainbow colours in the bubble.
For our prayers we are going to use bubbles to be our prayers
Get your bubble mix – if haven’t have a look for a way you can make some solution to blow bubble can be as simple as soap and water but there are others as well
When you are ready – blow a bubble for each colour of the rainbow and say the prayer next to the colour in the picture which will come up next
After our prayers let's sing again "Who put the colours in the rainbow"
As we end this Family time I invite you to say a payer of St Francis
God bless and have a good week