All you need to know about Sunday, the theme and the downloads you'll want.
So this week we’re entering into the festival of Pentecost, where God’s gift of the Holy Spirit took gifts and talents to another level. Not only did this event enable some pretty freaky stuff to happen, it also gave the disciples the upmost boldness and confidence. So we’re hoping that you’ll be bold enough to share your gifts or talents this week – send us in a 30 second clip to WhatsApp using 07483 277694 or do it live on the day!
Graham is going to challenge you to a big of Pictionary and of course, Mark is back with the comings and goings of the Day household, in addition to your shout outs and news for the week in our weekly feature: The DAYly NEWS.
Our craft this week is to make cardboard helicopter flames, we’ll be using them as part of our blessing. Here’s what you need:
Thin card, but paper will do – flame coloured is even better
Colouring pens to colour in your flame, red, orange and or yellow.
Some scissors
A marker pen to write the blessing
A paper clip to help hold it together. (You can use glue).
A balcony or landing or steps to drop the helicopter from
The template to print it. We'll make it live in the session - so no need to prep!
Our story comes from Acts chapter two – we’ve chopped it up and given it to lots of different people to read out – with props and pictures, we hope. Listen out and work out:
What is your favourite part of the story?
Where are you in the story?
What gifts has God given you?
You see, Pentecost is about the birth of a community centred on love, hope, and faith; those qualities we’ve been looking at over the last few weeks. The community was so radically different from what had gone before. (Sounds familiar?) The disciples and their friends were stepping into a new reality that did not depend just on one person, but on the consistent renewal of people, daily, in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Pentecost is about having something exciting, different, slightly scary, beautiful, full of hope and love. Why? So that God, through Jesus Christ could change not just themselves, but also the community around them. So come and join us on Sunday for another crazy, fun filled session filled with a new community of love and hope!