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Why Family Time?

Updated: May 1, 2020

Covid19 has turned our world upside down. Meetings and activities, our routines and relationships have changed beyond recognition. There is sadness in the distance we feel between each other but also there are great opportunities. The circuit has had to change very quickly to accommodate the new rules and ways of being. One of the losses that we feel is the closure of our family activities; Sunday schools, junior churches, youth and children’s clubs have all had to be suspended.

But in this space, of where there is nothing, we knew that something could be done. We wanted to reconnect with families and young people in a new, different way. Could we make something new? Something creative? Something which would reach across physical boundaries and enable us to continue to explore faith in an exciting, inclusive and challenging way. So, this is Family Time! I hope and pray that over the next few weeks, we will see more families return to us in a different and dynamic community, where faith in Jesus and in each other, is at the heart of all we do.

If you want to know more, please contact us on the webpage or through Instagram and Facebook. Remember to register for our Zoom Room sessions via the website or on Facebook. See you soon!

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